Please note these are small samples of our policies, please ask to see our file of full policies and procedures held within the setting.

safeguarding children policy
The safety and well-being of a child is our primary responsibility. Safeguarding is all members of staff's responsibility when in our setting.
We work in partnership with parents/carers and relevant agencies to ensure children are happy, safe and secure.
Safeguarding children and promoting welfare in relation to this policy is defined as protecting children from maltreatment, preventing the impairment of children's health or development, ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
Definition is taken from the HM Government document "Working together to safeguard children 2013/2015"
At Little Learners Pre-school we work closely with children, parents/carers and extended agencies to give children the very best start in life. Children have the right to be treated with respect, to be helped to thrive and to be safe from any abuse in whatever form.

behaviour policy
Little Learners Pre-school believes that children and adults flourish best in an ordered environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them and children are free to develop their play and learning without fear of being hurt or hindered by anyone else. We aim to work towards a situation in which children can develop self-discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement.
All adults in the setting are positive role models for the children with regards to friendliness, care, courtesy and offer strategies to the children for handling any conflict. Behaviour rules and codes of conduct are made and agreed with the children at circle times, these are consistently reinforced by adults and the children within the setting.
One of the biggest things we achieve at Little Learners is having children happy, confident children that have strong personal, social and emotional skills.
special educational needs, disability and inclusion policy
Here at Little Learners Pre-school, we are committed to being fully inclusive to all who wish to use our pre-school. We believe all children should be treated equally and given the same opportunities to flourish and develop to their full potential. Little Learners pre-school follows the SEND code of practice when planning, working with and supporting children with SEND. Please see our "What we offer " local document on the above tab.

Early years foundation stage policy
At Little Learners Pre-school we aim to provide the highest quality care and education to all our children, thereby giving them strong foundations for when they leave us for their journey to school. We provide a safe, secure, happy environment with positive, professional caring staff who help children thrive by giving them meaningful relationships. By working through the EYFS with your child and family we aim to build strong, trusting, supportive relationships that help your child grow and thrive.

The following pre-school policies amongst others are available to view should you wish to do so. Please ask a member of staff to arrange a suitable time for you to view them...
Behaviour Management Missing & Lost Children
Complaints Procedure Outings
Admissions Safer Recruitment
Safeguarding Children Fees/late payments
Disciplinary & Grievance Notice of leaving
Alcohol, Drugs & medicines Risk Assessments
Confidentially Children’s Illness/managing Infection.
Equality & Diversity Accidents/Incidents
Food & Drink, Allergies Social Media
Health & Safety Late Collection
SEND-Local Offer Biting/Bullying
Emergency Evacuation GDPR
Fire Evacuation
Lock Down Policy